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This week the DFPP team are flying high in some EXO-7 Falcon test harnesses when they realize that some deep subterfuge might be the only thing that can save the home front in the 2014 action adventure Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
Show notes:
- IMDb
- Wikipedia (Wikia)
- Official Site
- Trailer
- Soundtrack
- Winter Soldier Investigation (Fulbright Hearings)
- Captain America (Steve Rogers)
- James Buchanan Barnes (Bucky)
- S.H.I.E.L.D.
- Hydra
- Peggy Carter
- Howard Stark
- Sharon Carter (Agent 13)
- Arnim Zola
- Batroc the Leaper
- Triskelion
- Crossbones
- Baron Wolfgang von Strucker
- Quicksilver
- Scarlet Witch
- Jocasta
- Doctor Strange
- Moon Knight
- Ezekiel 25:17
- A Non-Spoilery Look At Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Enjoy the show!