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Once more the DFPP team doth journey into the mystery of Asgard to help uncover an all consuming darkness only to discover that with great power comes great loss and great trickery in the 2013 action adventure Thor: The Dark World.
Show notes:
- IMDb
- Wikipedia (Wikia)
- Official Site
- Trailer
- Soundtrack
- Episode 25 – Thor
- Malekith
- Odin
- Loki
- Gungir
- Frigga
- Sif
- Jane Foster
- Erik Selvig
- Journey Into Mystery #83
- Kronans
- Tesseract
- Aether
- Infinity Stones
- The Collector (Taneleer Tivan)
- Gravitonium
- Thor: The Dark World Prelude Comic
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Thanos
- Korvac
Enjoy the show!